Hospital Reservation and Appointment 

Nurse: Lawang Regional Hospital, can I help you?

Mr. Dodo: I want to make an appointment with a doctor who can handle me.

Nurse: Good. What is your problem?

Mr. Dodo: I want to do the test because I feel I have been exposed to the symptoms of the corona virus.

Nurse: Okay. What symptoms have you experienced?

Mr. Dodo: First, my throat hurts, then my chest feels tight, my body temperature is hot, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Nurse: I need to check your identity beforehand. What is your name?

Mr. Dodo: My name is Mr. Dodo.

Nurse: Your age?

Mr. Dodo: 56 years old.

Nurse: Alright Mr. Dodo. You are already registered in our data center. You will immediately be treated by doctor Ratih.

Mr. Dodo: When will Doctor Ratih be able to be found?

Nurse: Doctor Ratih can be found today in about half an hour. You can wait for him in the temporary isolation room and we will inform you when it is your turn.

Mr. Dodo: Alright, I understand. thanks.

Nurse: You're welcome.

(In the hospital after filling the form and in a temporary isolation room)

Doctor Ratih: Mr. Dodo, why did you decide to immediately take the test?

Mr. Dodo: Because I feel that there are signs that have appeared such as a sore throat and sore throat, tightness in my chest, hot body temperature, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Doctor Ratih: I see. I see. I will check your blood pressure first and draw your blood for testing in the lab. But I apologize in advance because you have to wait and stay here for 14 days

Mr. Dodo: It's all right, doctor. Besides, the goal is for the good of us all.

14 days later. 

Doctor Ratih: Sir, did you go abroad before?

Mr. Dodo: Two weeks ago I went to Malaysia because of work matters. Why do you ask like that?

Doctor Ratih: Lab results show that your prediction is correct. You tested positive for covid-19 or can be called Corona. It looks like you have been infected with a virus from there. I can't help solving this problem. You must make an appointment with a specialist on this one.

Mr. Dodo: Can it not be handled now?

Doctor Ratih: The problem cannot be. Because medical personnel in this hospital are very minimal. You need to wait 2 to 3 days. While waiting, you should stay in a temporary isolation room, drink plenty of water, fruit and vegetables, and wash your hands then use hand sanitizer at any time. You have to maintain cleanliness. Until now we also do not know what vaccine can be used to cure this new virus. Currently, researchers around the world are still trying to make research experiments on new vaccines, vaccines to kill the corona virus.

Mr. Dodo: But I can recover, right?

Doctor Ratih: We will try our best, as much as we can. But, we recommend that you stay overnight and be temporarily isolated in this room so that it does not get worse.

Mr. Dodo: Well, if things are like this, can I order 1 regular room for me?

Doctor Ratih: Certainly sir. Stay here and don't go anywhere, I will contact the reception to prepare your room and move you to be treated.

A day later

Doctor Tukul: Excuse me, are you Mr. Dodo?

Mr. Dodo: Yes it's me. You are doctor Tukul?

Doctor Tukul: Yes, I'm Doctor Tukul. I am a specialist who is on duty with the team that handles the symptoms of the corona virus. Incidentally, I've heard from Doctor Ratih about the symptoms of your corona virus.

Mr. Dodo: Doctor, when can I get special treatment? I want to know!

Tukul doctor: Calm yourself yourself duku. The treatment schedule is done today. After this, we will move you to the isolation room. I will wait there. Don't forget to use a mask to prevent it from getting worse and hand sanitizer.

Mr. Dodo: Okay, I'll try to calm myself.

(In the isolation room)

Doctor Tukul: According to the lab results yesterday, you are infected with the corona virus and must be treated as soon as possible. But because this virus has not spread and is not too severe, I will inject abiotic fluid and also attach an oxygen mask for you. You should also drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegetables, wash your hands often with soap or with a hand sanitizer when you touch something.

Mr. Dodo: But if a doctor has to be isolated and other people cannot enter, who will take care of me

Doctor Tukul: Take it easy. I and the medical team in charge will guard you here until healed. All right, another medical team will handle you. I have to go to the isolation room next. I will come here again to see your condition. Stay calm and hopefully get better soon. OK Keep spirit.

Mr. Dodo: Yes, thank you Doctor Tukul.


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